Sunday, August 17, 2008

Cunning manipulation

I have refrained from sharing thoughts about the dark forces that affect our lives because, well, they are not uplifting! But, suffice it to say that due to some cunning manipulation on the part of someone who's always been that way and apparently will never cease while there's a breath left in the body, we are without childcare for this week because my husband's daughter won't be with us this week while we work after all, court orders apparently still holding no weight in the world some people operate in. I had daycamp all arranged, too, but the opportunity had been offered as a way to earn money.

OK, I feel better now getting that off my chest. The good news is while we've had a week or two of peace, my home has had a good spirit about it, the twins have been doing well, they are on track with a good bed time (leading up to school starting, though they don't start until mid Sept), and they are doing their chores faithfully. And, when this latest doozy occurred, they were pretty good about behaving whereas often this kind of drama affects them a lot, as you can imagine.


Anonymous said...

ack!! I am sorry that has to really bite. Enduring to the end is a hard principle to live but you just seem to keep chugging along. I admire you for your determination in not letting the adversary take hold in your house.

i said...

Send them this way...they could keep mine company. :)

Leslie said...

Julie, are you serious? Because if you are and you think they would not be a hindrance, I would. They actually asked if they could go, but I wouldn't have even thought of asking you under the circumstances with a new baby! I have them at work with me this morning (prior commitment that couldn't be cancelled). I will touch base with you when we get home and thank you for the offer!

i said...

I meant it....