Monday, January 19, 2009

Oh yes, it IS an important day!

I realize an historic inauguration is about to take place, but I haven't seen or heard of change *I* can believe in ...

Until now ... Lloyd and I have decided to paint our front door red! Because the builder already used 4 paint colors (none of them red), we've been debating how to squeeze in a red door without taking on reducing the other paint colors to 3 (I'm not interested in repainting a 2-year old house already!), but we think we have it figured out. Now we just have to find a red shade to go with our existing colors.

House just before we moved in

A red door (not necessarily the right red)

Our door that's going to be sporting a new paint job soon (with 2 very cute 3rd graders in front of it last year)

If that's not enough to have our mind taken up with change we can believe in, we bought an ironing board cabinet thing that goes into the wall. Lloyd's been wanting one for a very long time -- for me, of course -- and we finally used a Lowe's gift certificate from my mom.

So now we'll have change we can believe in. Whew!


Anonymous said...

I think it needs to be a brick red, reddish with some brown in it since it will be next to brownish stucco. just .02 lol

I love red...I loved the red cut outs in my Tucson house and I even loved the red bathroom upstairs ( ijust wished she had bee more meticulate in her painting) oh well...

I do have a red purse tho ;) and love it!!

i said...

positive change?!?! hooray! wont that look cute!

Leslie said...

Terri, I totally agree and so far haven't found the right shade, I don't think, but want to find a Benjamin Moore paint store to see what they have.

I loved the red the former owners did in your old house, too, but there's something to be said for doing a paint job *right* or not doing it at all!

Leslie said...
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