Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Done and Done!

  • Taxes. Check.

  • Submissions for Trisha's law school scholarship even-though-"child"-is-now-a-full-grown-adult-and-MARRIED. Check.

    YAY! What a relief to have these monkeys off my back and it's still February!

    And amazingly, I'm not sure how it happened, but we are getting a refund. A good-sized one. I had some unexpected things last yaer and thought I was really in for it, but I was wrong. WHEW!!! Big sigh of relief there.

    Oh, we are also getting the backyard done. Finally. Have only had a patio and dirt and a pool during the summer. So the race is on to get everything in before the hot weather hits. Had trees/plants put in this month. Part of yard pictured here with our human sprinkler.

    And, in a totally unrelated note, we had our Cub Scout Blue & Gold dinner last night (Lloyd and I are Cubmasters -- try not to laugh). The Cub Scouts were each supposed to make a cake celebrating Scouts with their parents. Now, I don't know how much the boy actually did on this cake, *I* couldn't even come close to something so nice, but it was awesome and won! (Don't know if you can see this, but those are sleeping bags with pillows with a campfire in the middle and pine trees and "rocks".)

    Tara said...

    This is a great cake!!! Blue and GOld is the best event of the year for the little guys, but I bet you are glad that is off your back!!!

    Tara said...

    happy late Birthday Leslie!!!!!!

    i said...

    ilove seein all of your trees oer the wall!!! good job on the refund. perfect timing for the backyard.

    MelTheo said...

    It will be so nice to get your yard done, you will use it so much more! And what a nice mommy you are to help fill out scholarship applications. I don't think my mom even helped in high school. She probably deemed it a "learning experience". :)