So maybe some day Philip will have some fun with it and use this Jayson Feinburg saying. For now -- it's touch and go. Glasses arrived today, picked them up this evening. Philip was good at the optometrist. We could tell he was happy to see better. Going out to the car afterward, he exclaimed how he could see some signs down across the street. On the short drive home he decided the glasses were giving him a headache. Or maybe it was the Nintendo DS he was playing (no, it COULDN'T be THAT!). So he's gone back to saying he doesn't like them and was definitely not up for posing for pics. Not sure if it's because of the glasses. Or having to put down the DS for a minute to take them.
So these are a few I got. He thought the sad face was warranted, apparently.
But, then did agree to do me a big favor and gave a wan smile.
I think he's adorable. And, his taste in glasses is amazing. (And they are titanium so can't break no matter how they're twisted so Mom likes that!).
He was disappointed to hear I'm going to be looking for sport goggles for him. He thought that would be an excuse not to wear them. Hehe, I love that little guy!
Zach has the titanium ones and they do bend and they can get out of shape pretty easy, stepped on, screws fall out, lens pop out LOL you name it. Ours have a warranty, you should check with the O office. My mom is getting Z's glasses redone b/c its been under 1 yr and they are in bad shape. We also go the UV stuff and the ones that are for outside/inside (they go dark) b/c at the time we were in Tucson and needed the sun protection.
Hopefully S will be easier on glasses than Z since he is older.
Hmm, the optician totally bent it around and it went right back. He did say not to purposely mess with them, though. These were pretty pricey -- they better last! I'm looking for sports ones now.
Philip you look so smart and yes I love the glasses also
Ok, I just found out the law was adjusted for resale vendors. Here is the article.
At least it won't be as harsh as originally expected!
Ah, some reason in the government regs!
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